
Are you passionate about photography and would like to dive deeper into this world full of wonders? Would you like to learn how to, not only master your equipment, but also understand how composition works in order to take better photos? And not only that, but also how to create and develop a personal photography project, a body of work to be proud of.

You can do all of those things, even if you don’t have the intent to ever become a professional photographer. It would be just for your own satisfaction. Unless, of course, you do have the ambition to become a professional, then this could be your opportunity to build a foundation to a new career in photography.

I can help you in your journey to become a better photographer with tailored tuition to your needs. It could be anything related to basic photography skills and techniques, to master all photography concepts and your equipment. It could be anything related to composition and basic design knowledge, to understand what makes a good image. It could be about the “afterwards”, what to do with the tons of images that you capture, how to edit and post-process them to achieve your vision. And what to do with the final images, how to store, and most important, how to show them to the world.

But also, I could help you with the very beginning of the process – which, funny enough, starts after you master(ish) all the knowledge described above. When you are ready to take your photography to the upper level, you will want to identify your photography style. This is something very personal, but I can help you somehow. And I definitely can help you on how to choose and develop a personal photography project. How to approach a subject, how to choose the best composition. And most important, how to practice … and repeat everything again!

Tuitions are tailored to each one’s needs, but as a starting point you can expect a three (3) hours session, which will cost £65, regardless of the theme. I can offer a 25% discount for two people on a joint session (as some couples like to do), but more people than that would be detrimental to the purpose of the personalized tuition. If you have a group – of any size – please inquire about group sessions.

If you are ready to dive in – or just curious about it – send me a message so we can talk.